DSC – False Alarm Prevention Demonstration Video

How do I reduce my false alarm rate?

1. Register with your municipal police

Most police departments have a voluntary registration, this may have an annual fee attached to it but it will offer a lower response fee, some give the first response free.

2. Private Guard Response

Some guard companies offer an annual fee or monthly discount fee for a predetermined amount of dispatched. The private guard dispatch is usually faster then the police and they do have authority to arrest

3. Authorized Call List

Have our station call the complete call list to authorize the dispatch. Chances are that one of the contacts will be aware of any false alarms due to resent activity at the location and cancel the alarm.

4. Cancel Code

We program a cancel code in the alarm system which will notify our station that you have disarmed the system and the alarm should not be dispatched. Our station my still contact you to verify the cause of the alarm.

5. Cross Zone or Multi Hit Zones

Cross zones or Multi hit Zones, some systems allow you to use this technology to verify alarms. We instruct our stations to watch out for a second zone to be tripped before dispatching the police. If only one zone is tripped, our station will only call the call the call list.

6. Video Verification

Have our station call the complete call list to authorize the dispatch. Chances are that one of the contacts will be aware of any false alarms due to resent activity at the location and cancel the alarm.